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Science at Morice Town is planned to incorporate opportunities for discussion, investigation  and scientific enquiry. The lesson design includes similar features to maths, and the foundation subjects. Each lesson includes an opportunity to recall prior learning or to discuss future learning, using Explorify. Children are provided with a quality curriculum that provides the knowledge for them to understand the world we live in.


At Morice Town, our aim is to support children to become confident members of society with a secure understanding of the world around them. Our science curriculum supports this as it encourages children to recognise the power of rational explanation whilst developing a sense of excitement and curiosity. Our curriculum supports children to expand their understanding of their local environment whilst having opportunities to research, explore and compare contrasting locations. The work of different scientists is incorporated into the curriculum to provide children with an understanding of how their own lives have been shaped. Children are exposed to scientific vocabulary. The curriculum is designed to encourage children to describe, reason and predict using scientific vocabulary. 


The design of the curriculum is consistent across year groups. Each session begins with a recall opportunity, using Explorify, followed by a recap of the previous lesson. Throughout each lesson, children are introduced to scientific vocabulary. Once familiar with the vocabulary, children are supported to define and explain the vocabulary before they are required to use the language within an explanation (orally and in written form). An exit ticket is used to conclude the lesson, where the primary focus is to utilise the vocabulary from the lesson. 


All children are able to access the science curriculum, and are supported to achieve the learning target (IALT). Children with SEND receive the appropriate scaffolds to ensure they access the learning.  Children with SEND make use of an adapted knowledge organiser, which contains strategic examples of scientific vocabulary, with definitions and examples. Colourful semantics can be utilised within the science curriculum. 


Contact Us

Charlotte Street, Devonport, Plymouth, PL2 1RJ

T: 01752 567609